The project partners from Saxony associated under the name of the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Görlitz trained field workers of the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic and the National Park České Švýcarsko in the wolf monitoring system. The two-day seminar took place on 28th and 29th March in Krásná Lípa in the generous premises of the House of Bohemian Switzerland (Dům Českého Švýcarska). About twenty professionals in nature conservation from various corners of the Czech Republic, Moravia and Silesia have gained comprehensive information on German wolf population research standards. At the same time, they visited a sheep farm secured by the shepherd dogs acquired as part of the OWAD project, and on Friday excursion to the Protected Landscape Area Lužické hory and NP České Švýcarsko, they tried to record the findings of fresh wolf traces. The training was part of the planned transfer of knowledge from Saxony towards the Czech Republic's nature conservation authorities. This will facilitate cross-border cooperation and allow the obtained results to be compatible.