
About the REDEMA project in the newsletter of NPČS Administration

In December 2024, an article about our project was published in the newsletter of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration.

Wolf born a second time after collision with car

Unique information about the recovery of a wolf in Bohemian Switzerland was provided by a telemetry collar (only Czech)

Thanks to a new project, 6 wolves in Šumava are being monitored with telemetry collars

Further wolf captures were carried out in autumn 2024

The WoBoFE project presented at the international conference "Šumava Research Actualities 2024"

On October 23rd - 24th, 2024, the conference "Šumava Research Actualities" took place in Srní.

What do wolves eat?

Telemetric collars help in tracking down captured prey

Article about the WoBoFE project in daily newspaper Hospodářské noviny

The article was published at the end of August 2024

Where do red deer go and where do they graze?

Telemetry collars provide data on red deer activity

Camera traps help reveal red deer density

300 camera traps were installed in Šumava National Park

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